Effective Voice

Effective voice underpins and facilitates all other dimensions of fair work. Effective voice requires structures – formal and informal – through which real dialogue – individual and collective – can take place. The Inquiry considered the degree to which workers in hospitality enjoyed effective voice at work and found the following key points:

There is a need to strengthen effective voice mechanisms and to encourage and empower workers to raise issues when they arise. For this to be effective, workers must have faith that they will be treated with respect and they must see their employer respond positively to their views and concerns.

Embedding improvements in effective voice is key to making meaningful progress on fair work in hospitality. It is also clear that effective voice is an area where there is a significant weakness in fair work terms for the hospitality industry - both in terms of individual voice mechanisms and collective approaches. Improving effective voice at a workplace level, and improving industrial relations and joint working at a sectoral level, is key to further embedding fair work in the sector going forward.

Workers must have a voice, and this must be respected and taken seriously if all other dimensions of fair work (security, respect, opportunity and fulfilment) are to improve.