Today we welcome Dawn Roberts as a new member of the Fair Work Convention. Dawn is the Chief Executive of Dumfries and Galloway Council and responsible for all local government services in the region. Dawn joins the Convention as the SOLACE representative and has replaced Jim Savage in this role.
Dawn said:
“I am delighted to be joining the Fair Work Convention and am looking forward to contributing and getting involved in helping deliver fair work for individuals, businesses, organisations and society across Scotland”
Fair Work Convention co-chairs Mary Alexander and Patricia Findlay added:
“We welcome Dawn as our latest member of the Fair Work Convention. Local Government is a key economic actor and plays an integral part in the delivery of fair work across the economy. With her extensive experience and commitment to fair work and economic development we are certain that Dawn will bring invaluable insight to the Convention and we look forward to working alongside her”.
We also would like to thank Lilian Macer, who after many years, has decided to step down as a member of the Convention to focus on her new role as Scottish Secretary for Unison Scotland.
We wish Lilian and Jim all the best in the future and know they will take our shared commitment to fair work into the important work they do.