Barriers Aims and Ambitions

Barriers to Businesses Adopting Fair Work

The Inquiry group identified a number of challenges that impact the sector which are set out in Figure 32. These issues shape the context for improving fair work outcomes in hospitality. While some of the issues identified are linked to the current economic context, influenced by Brexit, Covid-19 and the cost crisis, others are longstanding structural issues within the sector. All are relevant when considering how to support improved fair work practice.

Figure 32 - Barriers to adopting fair work

Nature of the sector

Financial barriers (tight margins limiting investment):

Practicalities of Hospitality

Knowledge of and Buy-In to Fair Work

Capacity and Training: Small business do not have dedicated HR to pursue fair work, Role of, and access to, apprentices, Uptake of training, Senior managers and / or line manager understanding of fair work - training need, Lack of fair work support and advice, Employers’ ability to support and pay for training.

Aims and Ambitions for the Future

Despite the barriers outlined above, the Inquiry Group had strong ambitions for the sector which are set out in Figure 33. The Inquiry Group also recognised that by significantly embedding fair work that many of the long term aims and ambitions of employers and workers would also be achieved. For example, there was a strong desire to improve recruitment and retention and to improve the perception of the quality of work within hospitality amongst the wider public, both of which are supported by delivering fair work outcomes.

There was agreement amongst the Inquiry Group that it was also necessary to improve industrial relations and relations between employers and unions in the industry, recognising that issues often played out in the press as there was no effective industrial relations structures and no history of positive joint working in the industry. There was also a strong desire for existing career structures to be recognised and built upon.

Existing Hospitality Industry Aims and Ambitions:

For Employers:

For Workers: