News & Publications

Fair Work Convention new member announcement

Today we welcome Peter Hunter as a new member of the Fair Work Convention. Peter is the UNISON Regional Manager for the North of Scotland. UNISON is Scotland’s biggest public service trade union, representing workers delivering public and related services across Scotland. Peter leads UNISON’s organising, equality, legal, education and social care work. Peter said: … Read more

Fair Work Convention make twelve recommendations after Hospitality Inquiry

The Fair Work Convention have now launched the findings and recommendations following their two-year Hospitality Inquiry which makes 12 recommendations, mainly for the Tourism and Hospitality Industry Leadership Group (THILG). Read about our Fair Work Hospitality Inquiry in this week’s Dram Scotland Magazine

Scotland’s Hospitality Employers, Workers and Trade Unions United in Support for Fair Work in the Industry

The Fair Work Convention, Scotland’s independent advisory body to the Scottish Government, has concluded its two year inquiry into Scotland’s hospitality sector and today (Tuesday 24 September) published its findings and recommendations. In an industry where the worker perspective is not well understood, this Inquiry offered a rare opportunity for employers, employees and unions to … Read more

Memorandum of Understanding between the Scottish Government and the Fair Work Convention.

Minister for Employment and Investment, Tom Arthur MSP and Fair Work Convention Co-Chair, Professor Patricia Findlay sign a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) between the Scottish Government and the Fair Work Convention. The MoU is an agreement between the Convention and the Scottish Government on ways of working, information sharing and consultation. Professor Patricia Findlay said; … Read more

Fair Work Hospitality Inquiry Report – Launch Event

The Fair Work Convention is pleased to launch the findings of its Inquiry into Scotland’s hospitality industry. This two year Inquiry involved research and extensive engagement with employers and workers in hospitality. The Inquiry report considers fair work practice in the sector. It provides learning on what is working and what issues might exist, and … Read more

Tracy Gilbert steps down from the Fair Work Convention

Tracy Gilbert steps down from the Fair Work Convention after winning the candidacy to represent Edinburgh North and Leith in the general election. As the Scottish Regional Secretary for the trade union USDAW, Tracy brought considerable insight relevant to the fair work agenda representing retail and distribution workers in Scotland Co-Chairs on the Convention, Mary … Read more

Working Lives Scotland 2024 – CIPD Scotland Survey Report

Fair Work Convention Co-Chairs Mary Alexander and Professor Patricia Findlay have written the foreword in CIPD Scotland’s Survey Report Working Lives Scotland 2024. The Working Lives in Scotland report is a valuable insight into how workplaces in Scotland are progressing on their fair work journey. This year’s report shows once again the importance of good … Read more

Fair Work Convention new member announcement

Today we welcome Dawn Roberts as a new member of the Fair Work Convention. Dawn is the Chief Executive of Dumfries and Galloway Council and responsible for all local government services in the region. Dawn joins the Convention as the SOLACE representative and has replaced Jim Savage in this role. Dawn said: “I am delighted … Read more

Fair Work Policy Levers – Research

The Fair Work Convention has today published two research reports: ‘Fair work policy levers in Scotland’ and ‘Levers for fair work in hospitality in Scotland’ both undertaken by the Scottish Centre for Employment Research at the University of Strathclyde. The ‘Fair work policy levers in Scotland’ research explored possible new or adapted policy levers to … Read more