1. Fair Work Convention (2016), Fair Work Framework
2. Calculations based on most recent data by ONS (2022), Annual Population Survey.
3. Scottish Government, Annual Survey of Hours and Earnings, 2021, Table 3.2, Annual Survey of Hours and Earnings 2021
4. Francis-Devine, B. and Ferguson, D. (2020), The Gender Pay Gap. Briefing Paper Number 7068. House of Commons Library pg. 10
5. Fair Work Convention (2016), Fair Work Framework
6. SIC J (Information and Communication): GPG median = 13.6% across all employees, 9.6% across full-time employees. SIC K (Finance and Insurance): GPG median = 27.9% across all employees, 32.9% across full-time employees. Due to small sample sizes, only the GPG estimates for SIC K are considered "reasonably precise".
ONS, Gender pay gap in the UK: 2021
7. The term 'equal pay' refers to the legal obligation that employers have to pay men and women the same for like work. By contrast, the gender pay gap (GPG) refers to the difference between men and women's average pay.