Fair Work in Scotland’s Social Care Sector 2019

Appendix B

The Fair Work Convention invited senior representatives from the following organisations and Scottish Government to become members of the Social Care Working Group. We also were fortunate to have key individuals provide evidence with regards to the current policy context in Scotland as well as individuals and organisations who provided direct evidence.


Lilian Macer, Fair Work Convention

Henry Simmons, Fair Work Convention


John Downie, Scottish Council for Voluntary Organisations (SCVO)

Jim Elder-Woodward, Scottish Independent Living Coalition (SILC)

Anna Fowlie and Lorraine Gray, Scottish Social Services Council (SSSC)

Annie Gunner Logan, Coalition of Care Support Providers Scotland (CCPS)

Colin Lindsay, University of Strathclyde

Donald Macaskill, Scottish Care

Michelle Miller, Chief Social Work Officer, Edinburgh Council

Gordon Paterson, Care Inspectorate

Various representatives attended from the following organisations


Office of the Chief Social Work Adviser, Scottish Government

Directorate for Health and Social Care Integration, Scottish Government



Presentations were delivered by the following individuals to help inform the current policy context and landscape:

Ron Culley, NHS Western Isles

Maggie Dowe, Scotland Work Scotland

Geoff Huggins, Director for Health and Social Care Integration, Scottish Government

Paula McCleary, COSLA

Direct evidence was provided by the following individuals:

Deborah Clarke, Unison

Tricia Donnelly, The Mungo Foundation Mairi Martin, Cornerstone

Stephen Pennington, Highland Home Care

Professor Kirstein Rummery, University of Stirling

Austen Smyth, Richmond Fellowship Scotland

Amy Watson University of Strathclyde

Doug Young, University of Strathclyde


We are grateful to Luska Jerdin from the Scottish Government for her work to support the Working Group and help in compiling the report. To Ludmila Kopaskova, also from Scottish Government for research support and in compiling the tables and charts in the report. Many individuals also gave generously of their time for interviews and help with analysis. Appreciation goes to Professor Colin Lindsay for overseeing the research behind the report and to the social care workers who contributed. Finally, many thanks to Professor Patricia Findlay and Jeanette Findlay for their considerable support and very helpful detailed and constructive comments and input on previous drafts.